The Australian Band and Orchestra Directors’ Association National (ABODA National) is Australia's premier in-service support organisation for school and community band and orchestra directors, pledging ongoing commitment to the growth of music education and community music making throughout all areas of the country.





Events per year


education programs


annual festivals


Our Vision

ABODA state committees through the collaboration with the national executive, aspires to be a leading in-service organisation in Australia specifically for ensemble directors through communication and partnership with other professional development organisations both locally and internationally.

Role of the National Board

The National Board (consisting of representatives from every state organisation’s committee) provides a forum for states to communicate and collaborate with each other to achieve ABODA’s objectives. In this forum, ABODA national can also act independently with its own initiatives in support of the organisation’s goals. ABODA National recognizes the value of in person meetings.

The Australian Band & Orchestra Directors Association plays a critical role in the support of the important work undertaken by ensemble teachers & directors throughout the country. This is achieved by providing high value professional development (PD) & learning opportunities through events like conducting workshops, special PD sessions covering a range of relevant topics, and a national biennial ANBOC conference. I encourage you to join if you are not currently a member and get involved as much as you can so the organisation continues to serve & grow its constituency.

Rob McWilliams, Ph.D.
ABODA National
Immediate Past President

An active and energetic organisation 

Founded by Russell Hammond AM. in 1985,  ABODA strives to improve the musical, educational and cultural excellence of instrumental music, bands and orchestras throughout schools and the wider community

Representing ensemble directors involved across all levels of instrumental music education and community music making throughout Australia

Providing an arena whereby ensemble directors can meet in a positive and supportive environment to share ideas relating to their craft and the advocacy of music in schools and the community

Designing professional development programs for a uniquely Australian environment in the endeavor to improve teaching and learning in music education and the standard of performing ensembles

Encouraging the development of supportive relationships and networks between music educators within each state, nationally and overseas by communicating with similar bodies such as the Asia Pacific Band Directors Association, the National Band Association (USA) and the World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE).


ABODA National Board 2025

The ABODA National Board comprises of the President, President Elect, Immediate Past President and the President of each state branch. The National President nominates Treasurer and Secretary.

The National Board meets on a three-monthly basis, discussing national strategy, vision and direction for the organisation.

The boards focus is to support state branches through networking, promoting the sharing of visiting conducting specialists and most importantly, supporting the growth of Australian Compositions.


ABODA State Branches

Each state has an active branch that develops and presents regular professional development activities, conducting schools, guest presenters, concerts and other uniquely exciting events.

To find out more about your state branch and become a member, visit your state’s website.


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The Australian National Band & Orchestra Conference


The Australian National Band & Orchestra Conference (ANBOC) is a biannual event, hosted by one of the state branches.

ANBOC provides delegates with extensive professional development activities, outstanding performances and masterclasses, as well a broad range of networking opportunities.

The conference attracts distinguished Australian and international presenters, conductors and performers to inform, inspire and engage with delegates of all abilities and backgrounds.

Our biennial conference (ANBOC) provides an immensely valuable opportunity to come together and celebrate the tremendous work occurring in schools and community ensembles across a musical landscape as vast and unique as the land on which we walk. It is our hope that the plethora of offerings from international, national and local experts and ensembles will excite, inspire and ignite your own personal growth and in turn, profoundly impact on the musicians in your care.

James Le Fevre
ABODA National
Immediate Past President ending 2021

ANBOC 2024

ANBOC 2024 will be held in Victoria. Planning is under way and there is a possibility that the conference will be a hybrid online and in person conference.

ANBOC 2024 site


Australian National Composition Competition


The National Board of ABODA are proud to announce the continuation of the Bi-Annual Australian National Composition Competition (ANCC). The ANCC will run in conjunction with ANBOC years.

It is vision of the National Board that this composition competition will stimulate the creation of many important new compositions for developing wind band and string orchestra. 

The 2024 Australian National Composition Competition will run in conjunction with ANBOC 2024. See below for entry details and more information

Enquiries regarding entry or conditions should be directed to Scott Ryan, ANCC Coordinator via our secretary


Australian National Youth Composition Competition


The National Board of ABODA are proud to announce the Biennial Australian National Youth Composition Competition (ANYCC) for 2025.

It is the vision of the National Board that this composition competition will encourage school aged composers to write for developing wind band and string orchestra. 

The 2025 Australian National Composition Competition will be targeted at our youth! In the non-ANBOC years, the Composition Competition is aimed at supporting the youth of our community, providing links with Professional Australian Composers to mentor and grow our future leaders.

The ANYCC is open to all school aged composers residing in Australia.

Enquiries regarding entry or conditions should be directed to Scott Ryan, ANCC Coordinator at

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For any enquires about ABODA National, please contact us at For more information regarding ABODA in your state, please visit your state branch website here.

© 2020 ABODA National. All rights reserved.